

The American Advertising Federation (AAF) is the Unifying Voice for Advertising. The AAF’s 40,000 national members share a commitment to make advertising a positive force in America’s economy and culture. We are advocates for the rights of advertisers and we educate policy makers, the news media and the general public on the value that advertising brings to the well-being of the nation.

AAF Lubbock was founded in 1948. The club was known simply as Lubbock Ad Club until 1961 when it became affiliated with the American Advertising Federation (AAF). Today, the club has more than 60 Lubbock advertising professionals listed on its membership roster. Together, we serve as the only association that represents all facets of the advertising industry.

The objectives of the Lubbock Advertising Federation include:

  • Contributing to the educational advancement of the Advertising industry through an endowed scholarship offered through the College of Media & Communication at Texas Tech University.

  • Promoting and recognizing the talents of individuals and organizations in the advertising industry through the annual American Advertising Awards.

  • Encouraging participation in the Lubbock Advertising Federation through growth of membership from agencies, vendors, the media and clients.

  • Continuing community involvement through support of designated programs and projects that represent our Mission and Goals.

The following assist in the fulfillment of our objectives:

  • Meet once per month of each month.

  • Engage nationally recognized speakers.

  • Enhance the social aspect of the local organization by providing additional opportunities to meet.

  • Coordinate with a community non-profit organization in an effort to assist in the development and completion of a worthwhile project.

  • Increase the involvement with the Texas Tech University student chapter of the American Advertising Federation.

The AAF’s objectives are accomplished by the following initiatives:

  • Advertising Hall of Fame

  • Advertising Hall of Achievement

  • American Advertising Awards

  • AAF National Conference

  • Government Affairs Conference

  • Great Brands Campaign

  • Most Promising Minority Students Program

  • Mosaic Awards

  • Multicultural Resources Expo

  • NSAC: College World Series of Advertising

  • AAF Principles & Recommended Practices for Effective Advertising in the American Multicultural Marketplace